Home Buyers Service

Buying and selling a home can be a daunting prospect. It is the biggest investment that most people ever make.

Private landlords may be investing in multiple properties, increasing the risk.

The same concerns apply for the purchase and sale of commercial properties. Catalyst provides a rigorous home buyers survey service that minimises the risks associated with buying and selling property.

Our expert team of surveyors apply the same skills and experience to assisting customers in investing in and selling a wide range of commercial properties of any size.

Home buyers surveys who we work for

We carry out home buyers surveys for a wide range of clients all across the UK. That includes individual buyers, often of high value homes, property investors, private residential landlords, estate agents, letting agents, and financial institutions.

We also carry out surveys for home sellers, so they can be sure of the condition and value of their properties before putting them on the market or entering into negotiation with a potential buyer.

Catalyst provides the same kind of service for commercial property buyers and sellers. In both cases, residential and commercial properties, we can act on your behalf for just one property, multiple properties or to help you manage a portfolio of properties over time.


Property Landlords

Public Organisations
Home Owners


Do you need a home buyers survey?

Call Catalyst 0800 870 8080

Home Buyers Surveys – the Catalyst difference

Catalyst provides a comprehensive home buyers survey service through a managed network of quality checked and regularly vetted survey professionals. This provides our customers with 8 clear advantages.

  1. All home buyers surveys are project managed by Catalyst staff who ensure the right expertise is directed to support each customer.
  2. With a truly national managed network, every customer receives a prompt and attentive service.
  3. The Catalyst team has over 150 years’ of expertise in building surveying, inspection and maintenance – so all types and combinations of homes can be catered for.
  4. We set the highest ethical standards – the Catalyst team is fully on its customer side, with no vested interests, independence is guaranteed.
  5. We understand that timely carrying out of surveys and reporting of results is often critical to the buying and selling process
  6. Catalyst prides itself on the quality of our reports, plus the clarity and integrity of our advice. We will do all we can to get the data you need, and present it well, so you can make the right investment decision.
  7. We provide a transparent, cost-effective home buyers survey service, with no hidden or complicated charges.
  8. The satisfaction rates of our customers speaks for itself. We’re pleased to say, Catalyst is respected and often recommended because of the quality of our work.

Home buyers surveys – our service

Catalyst provides a comprehensive range of survey services. This allows us to select the right combination of survey techniques for your property and for the insights you require, so you don’t spend money getting data you don’t need.

RICS home condition report

This is one of the most basic home buyers survey reports and is compiled after a relatively short visit that considers surface-level issues only. The home condition report describes the condition of the property, identifies obvious risks and potential legal issues and highlights urgent defects.

RICS Homebuyer report

A RICS Homebuyer Report, also often called a RICS Homebuyer Survey, is one of the most popular reports in the private housing market. It is more indepth than the home condition report and is aimed primarily at more modern properties (less than 50 years old).

Its more detailed information includes advice on defects, repairs and ongoing maintenance issues. A market valuation and insurance rebuild cost can also be provided if they are needed.

RICS building survey

This is a more comprehensive report that provides in-depth analysis of a property’s structure, build quality and condition. A RICS building survey is recommended for buyers (and sellers) of older properties. A building survey is also ideally suited for properties that have been significantly altered or have a record of past maintenance problems and repair.

Drainage survey

Drainage surveys identify the design, structure and condition of drains, sewers and pipework, both internal and external, that serve a property. Drainage surveys can be critical to identify problems such as sewage seepage and subsidence. Catalyst uses the latest remote access cameras and even laser technology to thoroughly assess the scope and condition of any property.

Septic tank survey

Off-mains systems such as septic tanks, cess pools and small water treatment plants must be regularly inspected to ensure they are working correctly and are in good order. Otherwise there is a risk that sewage could leak into the ground causing a pollution and health risk.

Catalyst also helps home buyers considering buying a property with a septic tank ensure the systems are compliant with new general binding rules that control the discharge of effluent into water courses.

Roof surveys

Roof surveys are among the most important types of home buyer inspections that can be carried out, but they are often the last to be done. This is because the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ rule often applies. A roof condition report will identify how a roof is made and its condition, along with recommendations for costs for its repair and maintenance.

Home buyers electrical report

Failure to inspect electrical systems is one of the biggest mistakes the buyer of any property can make. Standards on electrical safety are regularly updated so it is important to understand whether the electrical systems in a property being sold meet current regulations.

Also, checks on electrical systems are not included in standard home buyers surveys. Catalyst will inspect the electrical system of any property and provide the prospective buyer with an electrical installation condition report.

There are two types of report, a visual condition report, which is a visual check only, and a periodic inspection report, which includes a test of the installation to find any hidden faults.

Boiler and heating inspection

As with electrical wiring, boiler and heating systems are among the most complicated and expensive equipment in a home so it may be sensible to give them special attention during the buying process.

Catalyst will commission a Gas Safe heating engineer to inspect the boiler and heating system. This will establish whether it complies with current safety regulations and checks the system for signs of leaks, corrosion, and to ensure it is working efficiently.

Cavity wall tie survey

Cavity wall ties add important strength to cavity walls. They hold the outer and inner walls together. When they fail, they can cause cracking, bulging of walls which can lead to water ingress and structural instability.

Catalyst can commission a cavity wall tie survey in which a piece of equipment called a boroscope is use to look inside the cavity to view wall ties and assess their condition.

If problems are found, we can identify the best and most cost-effective solution before a home purchase goes ahead, potentially saving a property buyer many thousands of pounds.

Damp, rot and woodworm

They are scourges of many homes, especially older ones. Damp, rot and woodworm can result in whole roofs having to be replaced or ceilings extensively repaired because of timber decay. This often makes internal or external damp, rot and woodwork surveys vital checks to carry out before buying a new home or commercial property.

Subsidence survey

Subsidence is another major risk when buying a home. Either a home can may have been affected by subsidence, resulting in concern about its value or future maintenance costs, or a buyer may be worried there is a hidden problem yet to be identified.

Catalyst has significant expertise in subsidence assessment. We can ensure the right type of subsidence survey is carried out on any property due to be bought. This can range from visual checks and assessment of property records to use of sophisticated monitoring technology to assess the scale of any risk.

Specialist home buyers survey

Catalyst works with home buyers and sellers to devise surveys that best meet their needs using a range of technologies and combinations of survey techniques.

These specialist approaches may include water supply surveys, leak detection, environmental surveys, heritage restoration surveys, and archeological surveys.

Whatever kind of home buyer survey you need, Catalyst is here to help, with independent and cost-effective technical advice presented how you needed to make the best decisions.

Find out more about Catalyst’s Home Buyers Surveys.
Call: 0800 870 8080 Email: [email protected]

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