Students show keen interest in Catalyst career opportunities

Yvonne Saddleworth school careers

Catalyst’s Yvonne Bardesley was bowled over by the enthusiasm of young people when she volunteered to give careers advice to school students.

She attended sessions for around 280 mostly 14 and 15-year-old students at the World of Work event held by Saddleworth School, in Greater Manchester.

Supporting our community

Yvonne, the Business Improvement Manager at Catalyst Services UK, said: “The students I met were very interested in careers open to them and asked some great questions at the Catalyst table.

“Some also took away details of our apprenticeship programme, which offers an excellent way to develop skills and a pathway to a very interesting career in the insurance industry.

“We’re determined to support local communities and offer career opportunities to local people, who may be starting out, like school leavers, or who want to take their working lives in new directions.”

Catalyst Services UK’s offices are in Delph, just a few miles from Saddleworth School.

High quality skills

It is one of the UK’s leading providers of specialist services to the insurance and loss adjusting industries, delivering claims solutions involving subsidence investigation, drainage, off-mains drainage, water supply pipes and leak detection.

Catalyst runs a Chartered Institute of Insurance (CII) apprenticeship programme.

It gives the company’s claims handlers a high quality pathway to developing skills they need to support Catalyst’s clients and customers – and a qualification they can build upon as they development their careers in the insurance industry.

Yvonne said: “I’d like to think some of the students we met might consider taking up these opportunities with Catalyst. They were saying they enjoyed the opportunity to find out what we had to offer.

“It also allowed them to talk to people doing jobs they could see themselves wanting to do later in life. I’ve very much enjoyed building a successful career in insurance, so I hope I made a strong case that they could do the same!”

Find out more

Telephone: 0333 004 8008. Email: [email protected].

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