Tell me about yourself – Catalyst’s Yvonne goes back to school


The head of business improvement at Catalyst Services UK, Yvonne Bardsley, has been improving the career opportunities of school students by giving them mock interviews.

She was one of a team of experienced managers from across the world of work to support the annual mock interview initiative at Saddleworth School, a community secondary school in Oldham, Greater Manchester.

Nearly 270 students, aged 15 and over, were interviewed over two days, some by Catalyst’s Yvonne, to give them experience of taking their next steps in higher education, training or applying for a job.

Dazzling opportunities

“The students were excellent,” said Yvonne. “It was wonderful to have the opportunity to give something back and spend time with these ambitious young minds.

“It was also an eye-opener to hear what some of them wanted to do next with their lives. The range of options they face can be dazzling. These interviews are part of the process of helping them make the best, most informed decisions.”

Yvonne was able to encourage and guide the students during each interview, then completed feedback forms, giving constructive pointers about how they came across.

Saddleworth School teacher Christine Dempster, who organised the event said: “A huge thank you to everyone for supporting us. The feedback from students and form tutors has been very positive.

“The students have found the process very helpful, supportive, and encouraging, and I can honestly say it has given them a real boost.”

Positive place to work

Yvonne’s contribution to the event is part of Catalyst’s outreach into the community, not least because it wants to be an employer of choice for local people, including school, college and university leavers.

Catalyst also seeks, every year, to take on two local people as insurance apprentices, providing them with a formal route into a career as an insurance professional.

She said: “We have a very proactive approach to being a positive place to work for all people, with clear opportunities for self-improvement and career development, not least because Catalyst is growing fast.

“We also believe, strongly, that the insurance services industry is a fulfilling career choice that develops strong business, technical and people skills that stand our colleagues in good stead throughout their working lives.”

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